Current Plan Updates

Wasco County Planning is currently engaged in several year long or multi-year projects to update several existing plans and Ordinances.  These include:

An update to the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).  Follow the link to take our short survey on wildfire mitigation strategies, and stay tuned for more opportunities to provide feedback!  This is a grant funded project that will have an impact on Wasco County Fire Safety Standards.  The project is slated to be complete by 2023.

Following the completion of the Comprehensive Plan Update project (Wasco County 2040), staff has kicked off a three-year project to update the Land Use and Development Ordinance.  Visit the project website to read proposed revised LUDO chapters, read one-page summaries, visit our virtual open houses, take surveys and polls, submit comments or ask a planner questions.  The 2021 update focuses on revisions to Chapter 2 (Procedures),  8 out of 14 Environmental Protection Districts, and revisions to Chapter 21 (Land Divisions and Road Standards).  While most of the updates are mandatory, and based on updates to state law, we welcome your input on all the revisions

Gorge 2020 Updates to the National Scenic Area Land Use and Development Ordinance (LUDO).  The majority of these updates are mandatory, resulting from updates to the National Scenic Area Management Plan.  To learn more and engage in the process click on the National Scenic Area LUDO Update page.