Wasco County Risk Report

For Wasco County's Risk Report (created 12/28/2020), click here.

This report was created by Oregon's Advanced Wildfire Risk Explorer tool, available here.

The Oregon Wildfire Risk Explorer is designed to increase wildfire awareness, give a comprehensive view of wildfire risk and local fire history, and educate users about wildfire prevention and mitigation resources. The site provides decision support for homeowners, communities, and professionals to identify and prioritize local fire prevention and mitigation efforts.


This Advanced Wildfire Risk Explorer serves professional planners to inform updates to Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) and Natural Hazard Mitigation Plans (NHMP), with extensive data resources, detailed summaries, and full wildfire risk inventory report. Their basic viewer directly serves homeowners and community leaders. It provides summaries and guidance in a Homeowner’s Report and a Summary Report (for example, a watershed).