Measure 56

You may have received notice by mail from the Wasco County Planning Department about several projects we are currently involved with.  The mailer included notice about updates to the following plans:

Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan
This multi-jurisdictional plan includes an inventory of known natural hazards in Wasco County, vulnerability assessment and risk analysis and strategies and resources for risk reduction.  The update to the 2012 plan is required by FEMA, and will help guide coordination, education, and mitigation strategies for the following five years.  The final draft is due in January 2018.

Wasco County 2040 (Wasco County Comprehensive Plan)

The Comprehensive Plan sets land use policy and implementation tools and strategies for Wasco County, including the County zoning map and Land Use and Development Ordinance.  We have been approved by the Land Conservation and Development Commission to enter Voluntary Periodic Review, which gives us a three year time frame to make updates with the assistance of the Department of Land Conservation and Development.  

This process involves public participation at all stages, including revising existing policy and implementation strategies that are tied to the State of Oregon's land use planning goals.  We hope to begin going out to the public to discuss the process and hear initial visions in May of 2017.  We anticipate drafting policies and implementation in 2018 and 2019, with an adoption date of 2020.    

Wasco County Land Use and Development Ordinance (LUDO)

The LUDO is the main tool for implementing land use regulation in the County.  We anticipate potential updates in 2-5 years, with the completion of Wasco County 2040.  As the main implementing tool for our long range land use planning policy, we encourage citizens to get involved early in the Wasco County 2040 update process to participate in shaping the next 20 years of Wasco County land use planning.  We also will be incoporating legislative updates at that time.  You can download the current LUDO here

National Scenic Area (NSA) Management Plan
The management plan contains the land use and resource protection standards, non-regulatory programs, and actions for protecting and enhancing Columbia River Gorge resources, as well as a description of roles and relationships of governments and agencies responsible for implementation of the National Scenic Area Act.  This project is being managed by the Columbia River Gorge Commission.  Please contact them for more details.

Wasco County National Scenic Area (NSA) Land Use and Development Ordinance (LUDO) 

The NSA LUDO is the main tool for implementing NSA regulation in the County.  An update will likely be initiated in the next year as a result of the previous 10-year Management Plan update.  Amendments will include adding language to address cumulative effects, as well as some formatting and reference corrections.  This is a mandatory update, and we are currently waiting to receive the final language from the Columbia River Gorge Commission.

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Please indicate which update you would like notifications on:
 Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update
Wasco County 2040 (Wasco County Comprehensive Plan Update)
Wasco County Land Use and Development Ordinance Update
National Scenic Area Land Use and Development Ordinance Update
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